Goats on the run 24 – The 2.6 Challenge

Goats on the run is where we shine the spotlight on a few of the Goats who have caught our eye on our Facebook, Instagram and Strava channels over the previous month. This edition is all about the 2.6 Challenge that took place last weekend.

The 2.6 Challenge

The London Marathon, plus the many other running events that usually happen at this time of year, are a massive source of income to the UK’s charities. Because of the Covid 19 coronavirus pandemic these events have been postponed or cancelled, which presents a significant problem for many good causes.

A reduction in fundraising income means a reduction in the work those charities do, which could include front-line services helping some of the most vulnerable people, medical research, support for families during difficult times, advocacy and policy change, and other critical work that benefits us all. Charity staff have been furloughed, services stopped, and some charities will not survive this crisis.

To try and save the UK’s charities, the 2.6 Challenge has been created by the organisers of some of the biggest fundraising events. The public have been challenged to raise money by completing an activity that is based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 (referring both to the planned date of the London Marathon, 26th April, and the distance, 26.2 miles).

The wonderful Lonely Goat community stepped up to take on the 2.6 Challenge and we are proud to feature some of their efforts here. They include all manner of activities, from laps of the garden to socially distanced marathons, and each one is fantastic and well worth celebrating.

Lonely Goats take on the 2.6 Challenge

Amanda Waring

“Supposed to be running London today… instead a 2.6 mile run in the woods. Wore my charity vest for the first time, couldn’t bring myself to iron on my name… loved it.”

Amanda Waring
Amy Carpenter (@amycarpentio)

“No London Marathon (not that I got a place!), no problem! We did our own garden ‘marathon’ yesterday for the 2.6 Challenge: 26 minutes around the garden! Slowest 2K I’ve ever done! Got a medal and everything!”

Amy Carpenter’s medals
Andy Holbert-Rolls (@afitminduk)

“I managed 3.9 miles in 26 minutes. I’m sure there are plenty of you who can do better?!”

Carl Langford

“So this purple Goat decided it would be a great idea to complete his 2.6 Challenge on the treadmill. However, being a Goat I had to change it up a little…

26.2 miles on Zwift, race starts 8 am… bring it.

Course conditions: dry under foot, no loose rocks or roots to worry about. Just the heat… It’s a hot one! Hot and sweaty, no Goat top today… Too hot for that!

After what seemed an age I completed the race. Not only did I complete it, but also a new PB! I took off 20 mins from my best time, not bad. This is now only my 4th marathon. My first was completed in 5:37′, so two hours in two years… I’ll take that… mini victory!

Hope you are all keeping active.”

Carl Langford
Chez (@running.for.grandad)

“I wasn’t going to run today, but then I went to bed last night and thought I have to, it’s marathon day!

One year ago on Tuesday I ran my first ever marathon, my first ever race! Today that’s not possible, but I decided to lace up my race day trainers and put my full marathon kit on that I wore last year and go out and run.

Run for me and for those that can’t, whatever the reason. So many people would have been in London this weekend and should have been running those 26.2 miles right now. This run is for you! So this is my #2point6 one for me and one for those that can’t.”

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I wasnt going to run today, but then I went to bed last night and thought I have to, its marathon day! One year ago on Tuesday I ran my first ever marathon, my first ever race! Today that's not possible, but I decided to lace up my race day trainers and put my full marathon kit on that I wore last year and go out and run. Run for me and for those that cant, whatever the reason. So many people would have been in london this weekend and should have been running those 26.2 miles right now. This run is for you! So this is my #2point6 one for me and one for those that cant. I challenge all the #lonelygoat @lonelygoatrc #teambreathe @britishlungfoundation and all those who others who did the marathon whether that be last year or 10 years ago to post their #MarathonMedal photo! @sweaty.shazza @paul.kellylondonmarathon2019 @reanne_runs @being_that_mum #running #training #vlm #vlm2019 #teambreathe #run #workout #lonelygoatrunningclub #marathon #BLF

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Chris Bancroft (@swrunnerchris79)

“So today I was meant to have run the London Marathon raising money for my charity, Rainbow Trust. It obviously wasn’t to be today so I took part in the 2.6 Challenge (although reversed the numbers so I could squeeze in a 10km) and ended up with a 5km and 10km PBs.”

Chris Bancroft
Craig (@_findyourhappypace)

“Lockdown Marathon!

6am start for the first (and hopefully last) lockdown marathon. There were no crowds, no supporters lining the streets, no one handing out jelly babies. As always, lucky to live where I do that I can run in rural areas away from people.

By far the hardest marathon I’ve ran and it very nearly wasn’t one. If it wasn’t for @kdurranttye and mini me shouting at me to get up and keep going at mile 18, my pain cave paddy would have got the better of me.

The surprise finish line and home made medals meant the world as did the sound of ‘Chariots of Fire’ blasting out down the street – haha. How often do you actually get to have family at the finish line?

It wasn’t my fastest, it certainly wasn’t pretty, my knackered Run the Date Challenge legs made sure of that, but it was still faster than the last time I ran London. Running time came in at 4:15′.

It wasn’t about time today, it was just about completing it. It was about closure. I trained for it, I sacrificed a lot for it and although I didn’t have the legs for the 3:30′ marathon I trained for, I’m chuffed I did it. I can put a lid on it and I can move on.

Thank you to everyone that’s given support over the last month, it’s meant the world. My fundraising page is still open, all the money raised is going to a local care centre for vulnerable adults. Link in bio.

Here’s to whenever it is that I get to toe the line at London again; it really will be the best day!”

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Day 26 – Lockdown Marathon ✅ ? 6am start for the first (and hopefully last) lockdown marathon. There were no crowds, no supporters lining the streets, no one handing out jelly babies. As always lucky to live where I do that I can run in rural areas away from people ? By far the hardest marathon I’ve ran and it very nearly wasn’t one, if it wasn’t for @kdurranttye and mini me shouting at me to get up and keep going at mile 18 my pain cave paddy would have got the better of me ? The surprise finish line and home made medals meant the world as did the sound of chariots of fire blasting out down the street haha. How often do you actually get to have family at the finish line ? It wasn’t my fastest, it certainly wasn’t pretty, My knackered run the date challenge legs made sure of that but it was still faster than the last time I ran London. Running time came in at 4hr15min ? It it wasn’t about time today, it was just about completing it, it was about closure, I trained for it, I sacrificed a lot for it and although I didn’t have the legs for the 3:30 marathon I trained for I’m chuffed I did it. I can put a lid on it and I can move on ? Thank you to everyone that’s given support over the last month, it’s meant the world. My fundraising page is still open, all the money raised is going to a local care centre for vulnerable adults. Link in bio ? Here’s to whenever it is that I get toe the line at London again, it really will be the best day! ? #findyourhappypace

A post shared by Craig|Parkrun to Ultra Run (@_findyourhappypace) on

Dan (@danno.runs)

“Hot Sunday Runday. 2.6 Challenge (plus a bit more). 15K PB too!”

Denise Fedyszyn

“Think I’ve finally lost it!

Felt fed up – I miss ‘normal’, work’s super stressful, gutted I didn’t get to run the marathon I wanted to – so just ran 2.6 miles around the garden.

Only wish the garden was actually as big as Strava makes it look. I now officially feel sick.”

Denise Fedyszyn
Eleanor Thomson

“Started my 2.6 Challenge this morning. I’m aiming for 26.2 miles a week over the next 5 weeks to raise funds for 5K Your Way, Move Against Cancer. I’d originally planned to run the Leeds Half and Nottingham 10K for them in May.

I’m glad to be a Goat in these strange times. Being used to running mostly alone (apart from parkrun and occasional races) makes it much easier.”

Eleanor Thompson
Faith Venn

“Hello Goats, I’ve not posted in a long time as I haven’t done much running in the last 6 months, but last Monday I had the crazy idea to run a marathon on Sunday for the 2.6 Challenge to raise money for the BHF (over £350 raised in under a week).

So with no training in months, yesterday I ran to my local post box a mile away and back 13 times in six different fancy dress outfits. Very chuffed to have completed my first ever marathon… it’ll be one to remember.

Well done to everyone yesterday that went out by themselves and ran their marathon… god, it’s a bloody long way by yourself isn’t it?”

Faith Venn
Ian Partridge

“2.6 Challenge day and I decided to set myself the challenge of walking 2.6 miles, running 2.6 miles x2 in under 2:26′. Allowed myself some time to take some pics and meet a local friendly heron.”

Ian Partridge’s view
Jenni Whatley

“Today I took part in the 2.6 Challenge as I should have been running London Marathon for Child Bereavement UK.

I ran 10km: 1km for each year of my younger sister’s life, who we lost almost 28 years ago. My target was to take 26 seconds off my PB. I was pretty nervous about it as I don’t ever run aiming to PB, but I managed to take off 33 seconds!”

Jenni Whatley’s run stats
Kat Huggins

“So today’s run was just going to be a no pressure ‘see how I get on’ type day. Was feeling so down about VLM40 and had signed up to the Children with Cancer one hour event, felt strong so I just carried on. Didn’t expect to have marathon distance in me!

Fortunate to live in quiet country and would never attempt this in a town or city, kept at distance the few I did see and my kind hubby waved from cars with kids. It’s not the same, but certainly something I’m proud of and I’m happy with my time of 3:48′. We’ll done today everyone on your various achievements.”

Kat Huggins
Lindsey Higman

“Did the 2.6 Cchallenge this morning! Lovely run and so pleased to be able to help out the Macular Society in their time of need.”

Lindsey Higman
Lindsey Underhill (@lindsey74_runs)

“My #twopointsixchallenge completed; 26.2 minutes running round the garden helping to #savetheukcharities.”

Martin Bowman

“London Marathon day, #twopointsixchallenge.

26 times up the garden = 2.6 times the height of Tower Bridge.”

Martin Bowman and family
Nicky Whelan

“2.62miles for the 2.6 Challenge, completed in the rain. 62 laps of my drive and garden.

Also part of my ‘My Marathon My Way’ challenge.

Couldn’t get any speed up and feel dizzy.”

Nicky Whelan
Rik Sherman (@sherman__92)

“Another LG here supposed to be doing VLM today, so I got out for the 2.6 Challenge to do 26.2km.”

Rik Sherman’s view
Emma Mumby
[We had to break with the alphabetical order of these, as Emma’s sentiments are worth finishing on.]

“Good morning Goats.

It’s Saturday, it’s my long run day and it would have been the London Marathon this weekend – something I wasn’t taking part in, but would have been sofa-supporting, tea and biscuits on hand to help fuel me through hours of cheering.

This year is slightly different to say the least. Those who were to take part will feel a loss that non-runners in your life may not get at all… Try not to get upset and frustrated with them, you have a right to feel a bit ‘meh’ about it all, and we’re all here for you on that.

There are many doing inspiring runs and challenges to mark this weekend as part of the #2.6challenge. I hadn’t another marathon in my legs, nor even 26K…but I knew I could safely social distance run with a time goal instead. So this morning I’ve done 2 hrs, 6 mins and 2 seconds for my chosen charity, ensuring I had an uphill section to represent struggle, and a flatter section to represent how some of us feel.

I started the month raising money for The Christie Foundation with my marathon, and while I did ponder doing my 2.6 for another charity, I couldn’t fairly choose which. So I will be donating £26.20 to The Christie and then each month for the rest of this year I will do likewise for a different charity of my choice, and mark the occasion with a run.

Whatever you do this weekend, find the joy, be kind to yourself, don’t judge others as you don’t know their struggle, spread kindness.”

Emma Mumby

Congratulations to all of you!

This is just a selection of the Goats who took on the 2.6 Challenge. It would be impossible to feature all of you in goats on the run, but we think you are all amazing and hope you feel inspired by seeing what your fellow club mates have been up to.

Thank you to our amazing Herd of Lonely Goats

At Lonely Goat Running Club, all runners are welcome, regardless of the speed you run, the distance you run, the events you run, or the reasons why you run. We are constantly impressed and inspired by the exploits of this wonderful community. This is why, in goats on the run we celebrate all kinds of achievements and contributions to our community.

If you post your runs in our Facebook Chat Group, on Instagram, or Strava, then you may be featured in goats on the run 25, coming next month.

Stay safe, and look after yourselves.

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£25 per year