Goats on the run 25 – Welcome to the Herd!

Goats on the run is where we shine the spotlight on a few of the Goats who have caught our eye on our Facebook, Instagram and Strava channels.

This month’s edition is dedicated to all the Goats who have joined this year. It includes experienced runners who have just joined the club, brand new runners taking their first steps, and lapsed runners lacing up their trainers once again.

Read on to discover a small selection of some of the newest members of the Herd.

Welcome, all new Goats!

Anand (@canand.iyer)

“I love to run because it’s my way of life. I run to challenge myself, to be a better version of myself, to feel free, to have the finest fitness level possible. I run with dreams in my heart.

I have been running before professionally to win races. I liked to defeat my opponents and to get that gold medal. With time I understood, running is more than just winning race events.

Running reminds me that even in my weakest moments, I am strong. Aristotle wisely said, ‘We are what we repeatedly do’.

I am a runner. I was born to run.”

Caroline Hope

“I’m a new kid in the tribe! Thanks to the recommendation of husband and bearded Goat, Paul Hope.

This is my first post and I wanted to share my little success: I have done my fastest 5K to date – 35’16”.

For me, June is now about improving my breathing technique so I can continually run for the whole 5K.”

Caroline Hope
Craig Searle

“Got out nice and early for my longest run attempt and felt really good in the cooler, rainy conditions. I’m mega happy with 20 miles and sub 9’30″/mile pace.”

Craig Searle
Daniel Peregreen

“Good morning, Goats, I’m new to the group. I only started running again last Thursday.

I don’t even know why I decided to get back out there – it’s probably been about four years before that since my last run.”

Daniel Peregreen
Declan Liggett

Fortunate enough to live near the green countryside of Ireland, Declan has no shortage of amazing places to explore.

Declan Liggett
Dianne Barker

“Hi everyone. I look at your achievements and feel inspired. I completed the first week of Couch to 5K (C25K) and feel good, but desperate to be able to get to 5K so I feel like a runner at 64.

I just want that 5K – keep inspiring me please, to keep me going. Great group, so pleased I joined.”

Grace Skelton (@grace.skelton)

“My favourite place to run is along Cleethorpes sea front – it’s absolutely beautiful, especially if you get up early enough to see the sun rise.

I run because it’s my happy place – I forget everything else going on in my life.

I joined this club as it works perfectly for me – I tried a couple of other clubs, but found it hard to commit with work and family life, so the Lonely Goat Running Club is definitely the right fit.”


Graham Fallows

“I’m slowly getting back into my running after nearly three years away after overdoing it and burning myself out physically and mentally.

My last event was the Lakeland 50 in 2017.

I’m only heading out about three times a week, nothing over 8 miles at the moment and certainly not that bothered about pace.

I’m from Leicester, UK and I’m always up for a nice social run if anybody fancies it.”

Jayne Denham

“Hi everyone, I love this page full of so much inspiration – thank you to you all.

I lost my husband three years ago and only started running in March with the help of C25K. I’m 54 and after a lifetime of saying ‘I can’t run!’ this morning at 7am I ran my first recorded 10K. I’m feeling incredibly proud and somewhat emotional.

I ran for Brain Cancer Research and raised £2,510 in four days – I’m so proud and now training for a half marathon.”

Jayne Denham
Jo Eliza

“I run as a form of stress release, to release happy endorphins and because it makes me feel so good after I have done it! Also love music, so I get to listen to some tunes and have some ‘me time’.

I love running along the promenade at Bournemouth beach and also at Upton Country Park.”

Jo Eliza
Joe Sidgwick

“Been running for just over a month now. Struggling with a lot of mental issues before, but this has been my medicine.”

Joe Sidgwick
Louise Charlotte

“That feeling of complete freedom!

It still amazes me how much exercise has helped me – I can be in the worst possible mind frame and running, biking, or boxing changes it instantly!”

Louise Charlotte
Mark Anthony Botterill

“I’m new to this group. First run of the month and it was a hot one today.”

Mark Anthony Botterill
Martin Ray-Jones

“Hi everyone, I’ve just joined on the recommendation of a friend.

I only started running four months ago and I’ve gone from being able to do 200 metres on day one, to doing 9km this morning, with 10km planned for next weekend.

I challenged myself to run 366 miles before the end of the year, which sounded like a lot at the time, but I’m quickly catching up on my target – which is completely unbelievable for me.”

Neil Hill

“Even though I’ve been running about 11 years, I class myself as a casual runner primarily using running to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I use that background to explain why I’ve only ever done two half marathons and one 10K.

I have taken it more seriously over the last year, doing some targeted training to bring my pace down. I’m now pushing my distance and with a 16 miler today, that’s my longest run yet.

Quietly, humbly pleased with myself (I always look knackered in my running selfies).”

Neil Hill
Nikki Berryman

“I am new to the group. Solo runner off and on for a long time. Lockdown has brought me back into it after a one year break.

Currently training for the Yorkshire Marathon to raise cash for Mind. Loving the discipline again, and the ability to swallow up more calories (foodie at heart)!

Looking forward to getting to know some of you.”

Sophie (@dorsetgirlincheshire)

“I run to find freedom and a sense of space where I can connect to nature. It’s an immersive experience for me; I like to listen to what surrounds me and breathe it all in! I use the time to process thoughts and a way of seeing as much of the outdoors as possible. It’s often not fast or far, but I love that my body can carry me up and down hills, through bogs and woodland!

I love the Peak District for it’s variety of terrain, especially Lyme Park and the surrounding areas. The mix of woodland, hills, moorland and reservoirs is a great combination and a lovely escape from urban South Manchester.”


Stephen Torode

“I’m a fairly new runner and loving it.”

Stephen Torode
Tom Ratcliffe

“I run as a form of escapism, to get out in the fresh air, to explore new places and because it is good for my mental health.

It’s a very sociable sport and I have met a lot of my friends through running.

It’s a natural type of sport which is straightforward to do. You don’t need any kit – you can just put your shoes on and off you go.

My favourite place to run is Lordstones, North York Moors.”

Tom Ratcliffe (and someone else)
Tracey Wheeler

“It’s great to feel part of a team.”

Tracy Wheeler

Thank you to our amazing Herd of Lonely Goats

At Lonely Goat Running Club, all runners are welcome, regardless of the speed you run, the distance you run, the events you run, or the reasons why you run. We are constantly impressed and inspired by the exploits of this wonderful community – both those of you who have been with us since the beginning, and those who have recently joined.

This is why, in goats on the run we celebrate all kinds of achievements and contributions to our community.

It would be impossible to feature all of you in goats on the run, but we hope you have enjoyed getting to know some of your fellow club mates.

If you post your runs in our Facebook Chat Group, on Instagram, or Strava, then you may just be featured in goats on the run 26, coming next month.

Happy running, everyone!

Support the club so we can do bigger and better things and get access to additional benefits.
£25 per year