Goats on the run 29 – Couch to 5K edition

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Goats on the run is where we shine the spotlight on a few of the Lonely Goat Running Club members who have caught our eye on our Facebook, Instagram and Strava channels. In this edition, we give a massive ‘goat salute’ to a few of the Herd who have taken on the challenge of running 5K for the first time.

Couch to 5K

For many people, Couch to 5K (also known as C25K) represents the start of their running life. It involves starting off with small amounts of running alternated with periods of walking, then gradually builds you up to the point where you can run for around half an hour or 5K non-stop.

The new year is a popular time to start this journey, which means that many runners will be getting stuck into, or graduating from C25K over the next few weeks. Here’s a few that have caught our eye…

Alison McCoubrey

“Couch to 5K Week 6 Run 2 today. Another beach run. Managed my longest run & fastest 1km. I’ll take that!

Had pins & needles in my feet by the end though – not sure what that’s about?”

Lonely Goat, Alison McCoubrey's view
The view during Lonely Goat, Alison McCoubrey’s run

Anne Topham Franke

“Yippee! Finally completed C25K this morning! Nearly didn’t as I was so desperate this was the last official tick box, I wanted to finish on a high etc. thus ended up finding it flipping hard work! Also there was no finishing line and cheering crowds…

Anyway, I am now elated I’ve done it and looking forward to doing the next stage my way and not worrying I need to stop to tie my shoe lace or avoid getting run over, etc.

Onward and upward hopefully!”

Anthony Fuller

“I ran my first ever 5K this morning! So happy, but so impressed that I never gave up!”

Anthony Fuller's first 5K
Lonely Goat, Anthony Fuller’s first 5K

Kate Spratt

“I did it! Zombie Couch to 5k completed! I can’t believe I’ve gotten there! Feeling quite proud today!

After graduating from Couch to 5k I’m carrying on with Zombies run; it’s really fun. Plus I’m 80% done on my Mount Fuji challenge, which means a tree planted too!”

Kate Spratt
Lonely Goat, Kate Spratt

Kirsty Izzard

“I completed C25K on Monday so tonight was my first run making up my own rules. I never managed the full 5K during the C25K but tonight I ran for 10 mins, walked for 1 minute, then ran for 24 mins and managed my first ever 5K.

The cold air felt like it was trying right cut right through me; maybe that’s what spurred me on to finish it and get back home.

Thanks to all for the encouragement and I love seeing everyone’s running posts.”

Olwynne Goodrich

“First post as I feel like I’ve only just arrived… C25K Graduation Day!

I’m not managing 5K (4.75K – so close) but I’ve done the programme and I’m now truly addicted to running!”

Tara Horne

“Today I completed run 2 of week 6 of Couch to 5K. It’s taken me about 8 weeks to get this far as I had a fall (not whilst running) so had to rest my knee for 10 days.

I started running as a fitness challenge to keep motivated in lockdown 3.0 and I’m really enjoying it.

Today’s plan was 2 x 10 mins with 3 min walk interval. I took a new route to my local country park though and so decided to run through the walk interval and did 23 mins running – really chuffed with my efforts today.”

Lonely Goat, Tara Horne
Lonely Goat, Tara Horne

Tim Willmore

“Week 5 of Couch to 5K and I’m buzzing. Throughly enjoyed that little run/jog/walk with child #1. We decided to go somewhere completely different and what a difference it made.

Last week I was dreading the 5 minute runs, but this week I can’t wait for the 20 minute run at the end of the week – yes!

The whole reason I started running was to help with my brain after the stroke last year, and today, well, my brain feels good.

Oh, and this is a photo of me eating an apple, because my mum always told me to eat an apple every day. Thanks Goats.”

Lonely Goat, Tim Willmore
Lonely Goat, Tim Willmore

Toni Sutton

“Very proud graduate Goat. This programme really works. At age 62 I think I’ve proved it.

I began on 1st January with no previous running and it felt horrible and impossible. But here I am, having run 5K three times in one week – today in less than 35 minutes.

To anyone wondering if to start C25K or struggling with the early weeks as I did, keep going because if I can, you definitely can and it’s pretty wonderful.”

Lonely Goat, Toni Sutton
Lonely Goat, Toni Sutton

Tracey Freedman

“Happy Bunny – Graduated from C25K this week and today was first official 5K road run. Very thoughtful Hubby got me a medal for achieving my goal.”

Lonely Goat, Tracey Freedman
Lonely Goat, Tracey Freedman

Thank you to our amazing Herd of Lonely Goats

At Lonely Goat Running Club, all runners are welcome, regardless of the speed you run, the distance you run, the events you run, or the reasons why you run. We are constantly impressed and inspired by the exploits of this wonderful community – every single one of you.

This is why, in goats on the run we celebrate all kinds of achievements and contributions to our community.

It would be impossible to feature all of you in goats on the run, but we hope you feel inspired by your clubmates’ exploits.

Until next time

If you post your runs in our Facebook Chat Group, on Instagram, or Strava, then you may just be featured in goats on the run 30, coming soon.

Happy running, everyone!

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